Monday, November 06, 2006

We lose Lost to Murdoch

I sent my flatmate a link to all the epsidoes of Lost, 24, Scrubs etc. online, and he wrote back to say thanks. Then asked if I knew that Murdoch had stolen it.

Well yes.

Bizarrely, was watching Badly Drawn Boy last night, at the Bloomsbury Ballrooms (lovely venue, but possibly the whitest, most middle-class gig I’ve ever been to….), and the girl behind me was loudly informing her companion that “Well they just had to chose between Desperate Housewives and Lost, they couldn’t have both. And we decided to go for Lost. Yes, it’s £980,000, but we think it’s worth it”. I’m fairly sure she actually said “£980,000 an episode”, but I’m loathe to misquote someone so outlandish.

So obviously I turned around, called her a media imperialist raping the cultural commons, and spilt her Red Stripe.


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