Friday, March 30, 2007

Fashion victims: Totally Mexico Global!

Vice Magazine, that esteemed read of the gutteratti, have published their Global Trend Report 2007, which is absolutely hilarious.

Apparently a guide to what the ultra-fashionable are wearing in the ‘cool’ cities of the world, the more I read it the less I can tell if they’re being serious or not. Judging from the comments at the bottom, they’ve clearly annoyed a lot of people, but then that’s kind of what Vice does, so perhaps it was all done just as a massive wind-up…

Either way, the London male fashion (pictured here) is not something I’ve seen rocking the streets of Stockwell recently. Real London ‘fashion’ (and by this, I mean the acutely-considered clothing of the East London self-facilitating media nodes) looks much more like the New York picture. Maybe they just got mixed up. And the Amsterdam fashion is waaay out (though the guy looks strangely like the bass player from Dee-Lite).

It’s also pretty interesting to see which cities they’ve covered. As well as the predictable transnational hubs of New York, London, Paris, etc, there’s Melbourne, Montreal and Helsinki. Good for Vice for trying something new, just a shame they’re all just holiday destinations of trendy Vice journalists. Wouldn’t it be cool to see what the fashionistas in Middlesbrough are wearing? Or Lyon? Or Reno?


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Will said...

Have you seen what happens when you Google "totally mexico"?

(You don't even need the quotes)

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Will said...

Write something new please Credland.

Feel free to say "right back at you Parkhouse" or something similar.

(How was Art Brut?)

(I should be doing this on Facebook really, shouldn't I?)

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Mexico Global said...

Yeah.... we've had enough of PARIS FASHION HOUSE journals now..... get screaming down the street and see what the real man's fashion is.


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