Friday, March 30, 2007

Rapping Rove

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…

Here’s a video of Karl Rove, White House advisor, dancing and rapping at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner.

Ok, here’s the thing. It’s not just that another bloated white middle-aged (well, probably pushing 70) politician is desperately trying to appear ‘cool’ and co-opt urban American culture as his own. We’re used to that, and I’m sure that David Cameron will be releasing his own phat beatz album before the year is out.

It’s that this man is, at the best of times, a nasty, illiberal crook, who has been the driving force behind some of the Republican party’s nastiest activities in recent years. There are the stories of how the Republican elite were so impressed by his vote rigging in local elections (when he was still in his early 20’s, and paid homeless people to vote), that he was fast-tracked straight into the inner circle. He’s the man most people point the finger at for ensuring that hanging chads became such an issue. And he’s also been extremely influential in rewriting the President’s official history, in particular the chapters that took place during the Vietnam war, and the chapters that occurred whilst he was in the grips of his cocaine addiction.

So to see him up on stage laughing and joking about ‘shooting Quayle’ really isn’t that funny.

Fuck it, who am I kidding? This is hilarious…


At 8:34 AM, Blogger Will said...

Oh, is this that New Rove thing I keep hearing about?

(verification word: gglsars)


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